Project Presentations
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Lab 5 There are two parts to lab 5 (a and b). Please submit both. If you only submitted one and received half credit you can submit the other part for full
No meetups on April 5th and 12th - Enjoy Spring Break!
Possible talk (in person) on April 25th. Please provide feedback here:
NY R Conference is July 13-14. See here for more info:
What was the most important thing you learned during this class?
What important question remains unanswered for you?
We will use the SAT data for 162 students which includes their verbal and math scores. We will model math from verbal. Recall that the linear model can be expressed as:
Or alternatively as:
Where m (or b1) is the slope and b (or b0) is the intercept. Therefore, we wish to model:
To begin, we read in the CSV file and convert the Verbal
and Math
columns to integers. The data file uses .
(i.e. a period) to denote missing values. The as.integer
function will automatically convert those to NA
(the indicator for a missing value in R). Finally, we use the complete.cases
eliminate any rows with any missing values.
sat <- read.csv('../course_data/SAT_scores.csv', stringsAsFactors=FALSE)names(sat) <- c('Verbal','Math','Sex')sat$Verbal <- as.integer(sat$Verbal)sat$Math <- as.integer(sat$Math)sat <- sat[complete.cases(sat),]
The first step is to draw a scatter plot. We see that the relationship appears to be fairly linear.
Next, we will calculate the means and standard deviations.
( verbalMean <- mean(sat$Verbal) )
## [1] 596.2963
( mathMean <- mean(sat$Math) )
## [1] 612.0988
( verbalSD <- sd(sat$Verbal) )
## [1] 99.5199
( mathSD <- sd(sat$Math) )
## [1] 98.13435
( n <- nrow(sat) )
## [1] 162
The population correlation, rho, is defined as ρxy=σxyσxσy where the numerator is the covariance of x and y and the denominator is the product of the two standard deviations.
The population correlation, rho, is defined as ρxy=σxyσxσy where the numerator is the covariance of x and y and the denominator is the product of the two standard deviations.
The sample correlation is calculated as rxy=Covxysxsy
The population correlation, rho, is defined as ρxy=σxyσxσy where the numerator is the covariance of x and y and the denominator is the product of the two standard deviations.
The sample correlation is calculated as rxy=Covxysxsy
The covariates is calculated as Covxy=∑ni=1(Xi−¯X)(Yi−¯Y)n−1
The population correlation, rho, is defined as ρxy=σxyσxσy where the numerator is the covariance of x and y and the denominator is the product of the two standard deviations.
The sample correlation is calculated as rxy=Covxysxsy
The covariates is calculated as Covxy=∑ni=1(Xi−¯X)(Yi−¯Y)n−1
(cov.xy <- sum( (sat$Verbal - verbalMean) * (sat$Math - mathMean) ) / (n - 1))
## [1] 6686.082
cov(sat$Verbal, sat$Math)
## [1] 6686.082
cov.xy / (verbalSD * mathSD)
## [1] 0.6846061
cor(sat$Verbal, sat$Math)
## [1] 0.6846061
Calcualte z-scores (standard scores) for the verbal and math scores.
sat$Verbal.z <- (sat$Verbal - verbalMean) / verbalSDsat$Math.z <- (sat$Math - mathMean) / mathSDhead(sat)
## Verbal Math Sex Verbal.z Math.z## 1 450 450 F -1.47002058 -1.65180456## 2 640 540 F 0.43914539 -0.73469449## 3 590 570 M -0.06326671 -0.42899113## 4 400 400 M -1.97243268 -2.16131016## 5 600 590 M 0.03721571 -0.22518889## 6 610 610 M 0.13769813 -0.02138665
Scatter plot of z-scores. Note that the pattern is the same but the scales on the x- and y-axes are different.
Calculate the correlation manually using the z-score formula:
r <- sum( sat$Verbal.z * sat$Math.z ) / ( n - 1 )r
## [1] 0.6846061
Calculate the correlation manually using the z-score formula:
r <- sum( sat$Verbal.z * sat$Math.z ) / ( n - 1 )r
## [1] 0.6846061
Or the cor
function in R is probably simplier.
cor(sat$Verbal, sat$Math)
## [1] 0.6846061
Calculate the correlation manually using the z-score formula:
r <- sum( sat$Verbal.z * sat$Math.z ) / ( n - 1 )r
## [1] 0.6846061
Or the cor
function in R is probably simplier.
cor(sat$Verbal, sat$Math)
## [1] 0.6846061
And to show that the units don't matter, calculate the correlation with the z-scores.
cor(sat$Verbal.z, sat$Math.z)
## [1] 0.6846061
m <- r * (mathSD / verbalSD)m
## [1] 0.6750748
Recall that the point where the mean of x and mean of y intersect will be on the line of best fit). Therefore,
b <- mathMean - m * verbalMeanb
## [1] 209.5542
We can now add the regression line to the scatter plot. The vertical and horizontal lines represent the mean Verbal and Math SAT scores, respectively.
To examine the residuals, we first need to calculate the predicted values of y (Math scores in this example).
sat$Math.predicted <- m * sat$Verbal + bsat$Math.predicted.z <- m * sat$Verbal.z + 0head(sat, n=4)
## Verbal Math Sex Verbal.z Math.z Math.predicted Math.predicted.z## 1 450 450 F -1.47002058 -1.6518046 513.3378 -0.99237384## 2 640 540 F 0.43914539 -0.7346945 641.6020 0.29645598## 3 590 570 M -0.06326671 -0.4289911 607.8483 -0.04270976## 4 400 400 M -1.97243268 -2.1613102 479.5841 -1.33153958
The residuals are simply the difference between the observed and predicted values.
sat$residual <- sat$Math - sat$Math.predictedsat$residual.z <- sat$Math.z - sat$Math.predicted.zhead(sat, n=4)
## Verbal Math Sex Verbal.z Math.z Math.predicted Math.predicted.z residual residual.z## 1 450 450 F -1.47002058 -1.6518046 513.3378 -0.99237384 -63.33782 -0.6594307## 2 640 540 F 0.43914539 -0.7346945 641.6020 0.29645598 -101.60203 -1.0311505## 3 590 570 M -0.06326671 -0.4289911 607.8483 -0.04270976 -37.84829 -0.3862814## 4 400 400 M -1.97243268 -2.1613102 479.5841 -1.33153958 -79.58408 -0.8297706
Plot our regression line with lines representing the residuals. The line of best fit minimizes the residuals.
Using the z-scores ensures that a 1-unit change in the x-axis is the same as a 1-unit change in the y-axis. This makes it easiert to plot the residuals as squares.
To show that m=rSySx minimizes the sum of squared residuals, this loop will calculate the sum of squared residuals for varying values of between -1 and 1.
results <- data.frame(r=seq(-1, 1, by=.05), m=as.numeric(NA), b=as.numeric(NA), sumsquares=as.numeric(NA))for(i in 1:nrow(results)) { results[i,]$m <- results[i,]$r * (mathSD / verbalSD) results[i,]$b <- mathMean - results[i,]$m * verbalMean predicted <- results[i,]$m * sat$Verbal + results[i,]$b residual <- sat$Math - predicted sumsquares <- sum(residual^2) results[i,]$sumsquares <- sum(residual^2)}
Plot the sum of squared residuals for different slopes (i.e. r's). The vertical line corresponds to the r (slope) calcluated above and the horizontal line corresponds the sum of squared residuals for that r. This should have the smallest sum of squared residuals.
To exemplify how the residuals change, the following scatter plot picks one of the "bad" models and plot that regression line with the original, best fitting line. Take particular note how the residuals would be less if they ended on the red line (i.e. the better fitting model). This is particularly evident on the far left and far right, but is true across the entire range of values.
b.bad <- results[1,]$bm.bad <- results[1,]$msat$predicted.bad <- m.bad * sat$Verbal + b.bad
Next, we'll plot the residuals with the independent variable. In this plot we expect to see no pattern, bending, or clustering if the model fits well. The rug plot on the right and top given an indication of the distribution. Below, we will also examine the histogram of residuals.
ggplot(sat, aes(x=Verbal, y=residual)) + geom_point() + geom_rug(sides='rt')
In an attempt to show the relationship between the predicted value and the residuals, this figures combines both the basic scatter plot with the residuals. Each Math score is connected with the corresponding residual point.
ggplot(sat, aes(x=residual)) + geom_histogram(alpha=.5, binwidth=25)
r ^ 2
## [1] 0.4686855
This model accounts for 46.9% of the variance math score predicted from verbal score.
Now we can predict Math scores from new Verbal.
newX <- 550(newY <- newX * m + b)
## [1] 580.8453
The lm
function in R will calculate everything above for us in one command.
sat.lm <- lm(Math ~ Verbal, data=sat)summary(sat.lm)
## ## Call:## lm(formula = Math ~ Verbal, data = sat)## ## Residuals:## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -173.590 -47.596 1.158 45.086 259.659 ## ## Coefficients:## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) ## (Intercept) 209.55417 34.34935 6.101 7.66e-09 ***## Verbal 0.67507 0.05682 11.880 < 2e-16 ***## ---## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1## ## Residual standard error: 71.75 on 160 degrees of freedom## Multiple R-squared: 0.4687, Adjusted R-squared: 0.4654 ## F-statistic: 141.1 on 1 and 160 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
We can get the predicted values and residuals from the lm
sat.lm.predicted <- predict(sat.lm)sat.lm.residuals <- resid(sat.lm)
Confirm that they are the same as what we calculated above.
head(cbind(sat.lm.predicted, sat$Math.predicted), n=4)
## sat.lm.predicted ## 1 513.3378 513.3378## 2 641.6020 641.6020## 3 607.8483 607.8483## 4 479.5841 479.5841
head(cbind(sat.lm.residuals, sat$residual), n=4)
## sat.lm.residuals ## 1 -63.33782 -63.33782## 2 -101.60203 -101.60203## 3 -37.84829 -37.84829## 4 -79.58408 -79.58408
First, let's look at the scatter plot but with a gender indicator.
And also the residual plot with an indicator for gender.
The histograms also show that the distribution are different across gender.
Upon careful examination of these two figures, there is some indication there may be a difference between genders. In the scatter plot, it appears that there is a cluster of males towoards the top left and a cluster of females towards the right. The residual plot also shows a cluster of males on the upper left of the cluster as well as a cluster of females to the lower right. Perhaps estimating two separate models would be more appropriate.
To start, we create two data frames for each gender.
sat.male <- sat[sat$Sex == 'M',]sat.female <- sat[sat$Sex == 'F',]
Calculate the mean for Math and Verbal for both males and females.
(male.verbal.mean <- mean(sat.male$Verbal))
## [1] 590.375
(male.math.mean <- mean(sat.male$Math))
## [1] 626.875
(female.verbal.mean <- mean(sat.female$Verbal))
## [1] 602.0732
(female.math.mean <- mean(sat.female$Math))
## [1] 597.6829
Estimate two linear models for each gender.
sat.male.lm <- lm(Math ~ Verbal, data=sat.male)sat.male.lm
## ## Call:## lm(formula = Math ~ Verbal, data = sat.male)## ## Coefficients:## (Intercept) Verbal ## 250.1452 0.6381
sat.female.lm <- lm(Math ~ Verbal, data=sat.female)sat.female.lm
## ## Call:## lm(formula = Math ~ Verbal, data = sat.female)## ## Coefficients:## (Intercept) Verbal ## 158.9965 0.7286
We do in fact find that the intercepts and slopes are both fairly different. The figure below adds the regression lines to the scatter plot.
Let's compare the R2 for the three models.
cor(sat$Verbal, sat$Math) ^ 2
## [1] 0.4686855
Let's compare the R2 for the three models.
cor(sat$Verbal, sat$Math) ^ 2
## [1] 0.4686855
cor(sat.male$Verbal, sat.male$Math) ^ 2
## [1] 0.4710744
cor(sat.female$Verbal, sat.female$Math) ^ 2
## [1] 0.5137626
Let's compare the R2 for the three models.
cor(sat$Verbal, sat$Math) ^ 2
## [1] 0.4686855
cor(sat.male$Verbal, sat.male$Math) ^ 2
## [1] 0.4710744
cor(sat.female$Verbal, sat.female$Math) ^ 2
## [1] 0.5137626
The R2 for the full model accounts for approximately 46.9% of the variance. By estimating separate models for each gender we can account for 47.1% and 51.4% of the variance for males and females, respectively.
Re-examining the histogram of residuals, there is one data point with a residual higher than the rest. This is a possible outlier. In this section we'll examine how that outlier may impact our linear model.
We can extract that record from our data frame. We can also highlight that point on the scatter plot.
sat.outlier <- sat[sat$residual > 200,]sat.outlier
## Verbal Math Sex Verbal.z Math.z Math.predicted Math.predicted.z residual residual.z predicted.bad## 162 490 800 F -1.068091 1.914735 540.3408 -0.7210412 259.6592 2.635776 716.9152
We see that excluding this point changes model slightly. With the outlier included we can account for 45.5% of the variance and by excluding it we can account for 47.9% of the variance. Although excluding this point improves our model, this is an insufficient enough reason to do so. Further explenation is necessary.
(sat.lm <- lm(Math ~ Verbal, data=sat))
## ## Call:## lm(formula = Math ~ Verbal, data = sat)## ## Coefficients:## (Intercept) Verbal ## 209.5542 0.6751
(sat.lm2 <- lm(Math ~ Verbal, data=sat[sat$residual < 200,]))
## ## Call:## lm(formula = Math ~ Verbal, data = sat[sat$residual < 200, ])## ## Coefficients:## (Intercept) Verbal ## 197.4697 0.6926
## [1] 0.4686855
## [1] 0.5013288
For the following two examples, we will add outliers to examine how they would effect our models. In the first example, we will add an outlier that is close to our fitted model (i.e. a small residual) but lies far away from the cluster of points. As we can see below, this single point increases our R2 by more than 5%.
outX <- 1200outY <- 1150sat.outlier <- rbind(sat[,c('Verbal','Math')], c(Verbal=outX, Math=outY))
(sat.lm <- lm(Math ~ Verbal, data=sat))
## ## Call:## lm(formula = Math ~ Verbal, data = sat)## ## Coefficients:## (Intercept) Verbal ## 209.5542 0.6751
(sat.lm2 <- lm(Math ~ Verbal, data=sat.outlier))
## ## Call:## lm(formula = Math ~ Verbal, data = sat.outlier)## ## Coefficients:## (Intercept) Verbal ## 186.372 0.715
## [1] 0.4686855
## [1] 0.5443222
Outliers can have the opposite effect too. In this example, our R2 is decreased by almost 16%.
outX <- 300outY <- 1150sat.outlier <- rbind(sat[,c('Verbal','Math')], c(Verbal=outX, Math=outY))
(sat.lm <- lm(Math ~ Verbal, data=sat))
## ## Call:## lm(formula = Math ~ Verbal, data = sat)## ## Coefficients:## (Intercept) Verbal ## 209.5542 0.6751
(sat.lm2 <- lm(Math ~ Verbal, data=sat.outlier))
## ## Call:## lm(formula = Math ~ Verbal, data = sat.outlier)## ## Coefficients:## (Intercept) Verbal ## 290.8915 0.5459
## [1] 0.4686855
## [1] 0.2726476
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Project Presentations
You can sign up for a presentation slot on this Google Sheet
Lab 5 There are two parts to lab 5 (a and b). Please submit both. If you only submitted one and received half credit you can submit the other part for full
No meetups on April 5th and 12th - Enjoy Spring Break!
Possible talk (in person) on April 25th. Please provide feedback here:
NY R Conference is July 13-14. See here for more info:
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